灰飞烟灭 第三季

分类:连续剧欧美 地区:英国 年份:2010 导演:大卫·德鲁 主演:菲利普·格伦尼斯特凯莉·霍威马绍尔·兰卡斯特Dean Andrews蒙特瑟拉特·朗巴德 状态:已完结

简介:  Alex wakes up to find herself back in 1983 where Gene Hunt is on the run after shooting her, three


  Alex wakes up to find herself back in 1983 where Gene Hunt is on the run after shooting her, three months previously. His unit is being run by none other than Ray! Meanwhile the rest of the unit in involved with the abduction of Dorothy, a young girl, on her way to school. To make matters worse a ransom is demanded by the kidnappers, and it's up to the team to find the culprits - fast.

追剧达人(www.ppgl.org)提供灰飞烟灭 第三季免费完整版,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等信息,为您观看灰飞烟灭 第三季影片提供最有价值的影音报告!如果喜欢这部连续剧《灰飞烟灭 第三季》,分享链接https://www.ppgl.org/zhuiju/huifeiyanmiedisanji.html。



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